The Race to Alaska, known as R2AK, announced in March that the engineless sailing event from Port Townsend, WA to Ketchikan, AK will start on June 9 as planned but, going forward, the race will be run on a biennial basis. So, the next R2AK will get underway in June of 2026.
How do organizers describe the 750-mile R2AK? Here’s a quote from their website: “It’s like the Iditarod, on a boat, with a chance of drowning, being run down by a freighter, or eaten by a grizzly bear. There are squalls, killer whales, tidal currents that run upwards of 20 miles an hour, and some of the most beautiful scenery on earth.”
Starting in 2025, the organizers will run an event in Puget Sound called WA360. The race is also for engineless craft that are sailed, rowed or paddled and will take participants on a counter-clockwise course starting and finishing in Port Townsend.
For those dreaming and planning on sailing in the R2AK, you now have two years to plan, strategize and otherwise prepare. And, you can get in a practice lap in the WA360 next year.
Learn more about the R2AK here.
Learn mopre about the WA360 here.