When fixing or verifying a position using radar, what do “EBL” and “VRM” stand for? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will be selected ...
On December 17, 2014 / By AdministratorOn a nautical chart, is the set of the current given in degrees magnetic or true? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will be ...
On December 4, 2014 / By AdministratorWhen reefing the mainsail, what is the new tack attached to at the gooseneck? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will be selected at ...
On November 26, 2014 / By AdministratorThe wind is blowing out of the northwest and is predicted to shift to the north, then northeast. It this shift veering or backing? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who ...
On November 19, 2014 / By AdministratorA smaller headsail sail flown from an inner forestay is called what? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will be selected at random from ...
On November 13, 2014 / By AdministratorWhat is the line called on a spinnaker pole that is rigged to keep it from rising up? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water ...
On November 6, 2014 / By AdministratorA tool commonly used in rope work (splicing, untying knots) is called what? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will be selected at random ...
On October 29, 2014 / By AdministratorWhat time of day is the “dog watch”? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will be selected at random from the correct answers. Thanks ...
On October 16, 2014 / By AdministratorWhat is the mast light called that, together with a stern light, completes the 360 degree arc of white light? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive ...
On October 9, 2014 / By AdministratorVertical bridge clearances on NOAA charts are given at what state of the tide (ie high, low)? Send your answer to cruisingcompass@bwsailing.com. A winner, who will receive a Blue Water Sailing hat, will ...
On October 1, 2014 / By AdministratorPublished by Blue Water Sailing Media, a division of Day Communications, Inc., Middletown, RI
Publisher & Editor: George Day
Blue Water Sailing Media publishes Blue Water Sailing magazine, Multihulls Today and other titles.
Cruising Compass Advertising Sales:
George Day, Newport, RI
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