The New Inland Navigation Rules

What you need to know about the recent change to the US Inland Navigation Rules  (published September 2015) Last year about this time, the USCG changed […]

Sailing Smart

Understanding the most important book in navigation  (published November 2014)Recent maritime news brings us back to the Navigation Rules. We tend to think of these Rules […]

Rotary Currents

Learn the nuances of these currents to help in your coastal navigation  (published September 2014) Most tidal currents we deal with on inland waters are reversing […]

Hawaii by Sextant

How to learn and practice celestial navigation using data from a 2,800 mile ocean passage  (published May 2014) Most blue water sailors think about learning celestial […]

ECS without GPS

How to use your electronic charting system for navigation, even if your GPS fails  (published March 2014) We might assume an electronic charting system (ECS) is […]

Limitations of GPS

Why we should learn to navigate  (published January 2014) If you rely solely on GPS to navigate in the fog, you will not know if it […]